• SUPÉR TIP, Within the confines of the UK, refer to English breakfast tea only as Tea.

  • STAY: ACE HOTEL, SHOREDITCH, A little artsy, hipstery, and designy, check out the ACE Hotel located in East London. Amenities are lackluster, the location/neighborhood compensates.

  • EAT: HOI POLLOI, Situated inside the ACE Hotel, start your day with a hearty English breakfast served by cool-ish waiters, taking time to savor both the tea and beautiful interior.

  • EAT: ON THE BAP, Craving something a bit more ethnic? Fast, easy, cheap, and delicious Korean food at OTB.

  • EAT: THE WRIGHT BROTHERS SOHO, Self-proclaimed seafood experts compose hearty shellfish platters aka plateaus, great seafood in a casual environment.

  • EAT: RITAS, Simple wholesome American food in Hackney.

  • DRINK: TAYLOR ST BARISTAS SHOREDITCH, Garden shed coffee shop located across the streets from VICE London HQ, its cool.

  • DRINK, SHOREDITCH GRIND, Circular coffee shop, bar and cafe with whitewashed brick walls and a 1950s diner-style facade.

  • WELLNESS: ANATOMIE, When in desperate need of essential oils and a smoothie, this is your place; Namaste.

  • SHOP: LABOUR AND WAIT, Stock up on enamel kitchenware and Portuguese Vaseline.