SUPÉR TIP, Within the confines of the UK, refer to English breakfast tea only as Tea.
STAY: ACE HOTEL, SHOREDITCH, A little artsy, hipstery, and designy, check out the ACE Hotel located in East London. Amenities are lackluster, the location/neighborhood compensates.
EAT: HOI POLLOI, Situated inside the ACE Hotel, start your day with a hearty English breakfast served by cool-ish waiters, taking time to savor both the tea and beautiful interior.
EAT: ON THE BAP, Craving something a bit more ethnic? Fast, easy, cheap, and delicious Korean food at OTB.
EAT: THE WRIGHT BROTHERS SOHO, Self-proclaimed seafood experts compose hearty shellfish platters aka plateaus, great seafood in a casual environment.
EAT: RITAS, Simple wholesome American food in Hackney.
DRINK: TAYLOR ST BARISTAS SHOREDITCH, Garden shed coffee shop located across the streets from VICE London HQ, its cool.
DRINK, SHOREDITCH GRIND, Circular coffee shop, bar and cafe with whitewashed brick walls and a 1950s diner-style facade.
WELLNESS: ANATOMIE, When in desperate need of essential oils and a smoothie, this is your place; Namaste.
SHOP: LABOUR AND WAIT, Stock up on enamel kitchenware and Portuguese Vaseline.